Scarce Bernard Instone 1930 hand-crafted Arts and Crafts enamel spoons set in original case


A scarce range of enamels in all their Arts and Crafts glory, Bernard Instone 1930

1 in stock


A fabulous full set of rare silver spoons, all individually hand-crafted and superbly enamelled with a range of colours by Bernard Instone 1930. Each of these beautiful spoons is a complete work of art in the cloisonné enamelling, as each spoon is different. This is actually a complete rarity, as usually the red, blue and green enamel spoons were sold as the full box of 6. I have not seen another, which demonstrates the range of enamel work that we have here. They come too, housed in their original box and the set appears in literature about Instone, on p192 of “Bernard Instone Designer and Craftsman: the art of a jeweller” by Tracy Henriksen.

Each spoon has the “B.I” stamp, plus full UK hallmarks for the year 1930, as well as the famous facsimile signature stamp. I love looking at the varying shades of enamel, some more vivid than others but all combining to show this full landscape of enamel colours. The enamel is in pristine condition too…the only teeny thing I could find is on the red and blue spoon. There is the teeniest air bubble which has led to a minute lack of infill in the very bottom of the design towards the bowl. This is a manufacturing fault and not later damage. They are in remarkably good condition and I enjoyed inspecting the enamelling in close detail with a jeweller’s loupe, as there were all sorts of subtle changes in shade that you do not immediately see with the naked eye. Hours and hours of intensive labour in their creation…all by hand.

Bernard’s enamel cutlery was riding high in this era and in the 1930s even Queen Mary bought pieces on occasion, several were bought for the Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret when they were children. To have a full boxed set of different enamel spoons by Bernard is an opportunity that really does not present itself very often at all. One or two prestigious auction houses have sold sets with 6 matching spoons but as said, I have not seen this array of enamels before in a set.

Each spoon measures approx 9.5cm in length. I shall send carefully packaged in a box by complimentary Special Delivery within the UK or else by DHL courier internationally. Thank you!